Monday, September 26, 2005


I can’t tell you what Brandi is doing in Iraq on a base just outside Baghdad, but I can tell you that I’m glad she’s there. Brandi is part of a civilian-side independent contracting interest supplying materials support for reconstruction – a “get it” link in the supply chain, as I understand it. Brandi and Tommi are friends ...

... Estee Lauder “share-the-samples-sent-from-home” friends, get-a-good-price-on-a-new-bed friends, share secrets, tell stories, laugh, have cups of coffee, and never-worry-about-saying-too-much friends. War in the 21st century is Pizza Hut, Subway, Seattle’s Best Coffee, cellphones, internet connections, and Olympic-sized pools all on base even as it is “bad guys,” interrogations, explosions, suspicion, injustice, and the fatigue born from seeing and knowing more than you ever wanted to know about humanity. The test over time is to remember yourself, or so it seems to me as I “look on” from the safety of home. A girlfriend helps, and Tommi has one of those. Good news comes with long, blond hair and a beautiful smile. … nice to meet you, Brandi!

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At 4:50 PM, Blogger Tommi L. Godwin said...

*****Almost immediately after you published this post, Brandy and I had the following IM conversation about it, interwoven with chatter about replacing my bed with a couch (couch/bed). I figured sharing it with you would best represent the excitement between us about your take on our fun!*****

Brandy: THAT IS SO COOL AND SO SWEET. I love it. I am going to forward it to my Mama too.
sentinel_47: thanks. thought you would. she's so great. awesome. sounds good.
Brandy: That put a BIG smile on my face and I needed that! Tell her I think she is awesome!!
sentinel_47: good. me too... still working over here. looks like a disaster zone. trying to finish so I have someplace to sleep
Brandy: LOL!!! Your couch will look awesome though!
sentinel_47: ha. I agree. can't wait.
Brandy: you get your bed taken apart?
sentinel_47: yep. everythings up against one wall. looks terrible in here. will get better though
Brandy: Tell your mom thanks so much for the article. It is SO nice, and I love it and my Mom will too!


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